Andreas Linkermann is the Chair of the Clinic for Internal Medicine V, UMM Mannheim of the Heidelberg University, Germany. He was trained to specialize in internal medicine, nephrology and transplantation at the Division of Nephrology at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany until 2016 where he became a Fellow of the American Society of Nephrology (FASN) with a clinical focus on kidney transplantation and acute kidney injury. Until September 2024, he served as a Heisenbergprofessor at the Carl Gustav Carus Hospital of the Technical University of Dresden.
As a clinician scientist, research in his laboratory includes work on the basic understanding of regulated cell death and the mechanisms of necroinflammation. The immunogenicity of regulated necrosis was identified as a potential therapeutic target not only during transplantation and acute kidney injury, but also in myocardial infarction, stroke and intoxications. Recently, the laboratory focused on cell death propagation in the renal tubules and two specific signalling pathways of necroptosis and ferroptosis. In collaboration with medicinal chemists, small molecule inhibitors of these pathways have been developed. Since 2018, the lab has focused on sex differences in cell death and acute kidney injury. Another recent but exciting project investigates kidney xenotransplantation.
Work in the Linkermann laboratory is funded by the German Research Foundation including the collaborative research centers SFB/TRR205 (Adrenal) SFB/TRR127 (Xenotranplantation), the SPP2036 on ferroptosis, the international research training group IRTG2251, the TransCampus project with King´s college London and several private foundations. For the identification of the mechanistic details of signalling pathways of regulated necrosis and their role in pathophysiologic settings, Linkermann received the Carl-Ludwig-Award and the Franz-Volhard-Award of the German Society of Nephrology (DGfN), the Rudolf-Pichlmayr-Award of the German Society of Transplantation, the young investigator award of the American Transplantation Society, the Scientific excellence prize by the European Renal Association and was entitled honorary member of the European Academy of Tumor Immunology. Since 2021, he is a Clarivate Highly Cited researcher.